With over 40 years combined experience in Contact Centres, SMAART Contact Centre Consulting can provide strategic pathways for your contact centres to achieve industry best practice.
Contact Centres have witnessed extraordinary pressures over the last three years. From major seismic shifts such as the move to work from home, to major attraction and retention issues, contact centres have never been so challenged.
SMAART Contact Centre Consulting provides a unique and experienced perspective on contact centre operations. With many years of working on transformative initiatives including brand and culture, employee engagement, leadership development and training, customer experience and supporting technology implementations and enhancements.
The needs of the contact centre employee are constantly evolving and it’s never been more important to deliver a connected and engaged experience.
We believe the reason contact centres exist is to make peoples lives better, not simply to answer calls.
Today’s contact centres operate in a volatile and uncertain environment. Knowing where to start to solve the challenge is often the hardest part.
This is not training in the way you have ever seen for contact centre leaders.
We have a passion, a calling, to develop leaders that people wake up in the morning and want to come and work for.
SMAART Contact Centre Consulting provides the only end-to-end contact centre offering in the market, with an outstanding track record in research and recruitment, and cutting-edge consulting and advisory services.
James Witcombe is the author of the highly regarded Contact Centre Best Practice Report and is passionate about making the
contact centre world better for customers and the people that work there.
If you would like to know more about our services please call
0401 382 199.
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